Whether you’re new to the area or were born here, finding a Monmouth church can be challenging. With so many options, visiting a different one every Sunday could take quite a while.

monmouth IL church

You might be looking for a way to narrow down your search for churches near Monmouth. If so, we’re nearby in Galesburg, and we’d like to offer some helpful tips. By asking a few biblical questions, you may be able to gain insight into whether a particular church

 is the best option for you and your family. 

But if you’re new to the Monmouth area, besides churches, you’ll also want to check out the always fun Freedom Roller Rink and dads might want to golf at the Gibson Woods Golf Course. And Monmouth is also home to Monmouth College.

Now, let’s dive in to how to find a good church.

Does the Church Apply Paul’s Teachings in 1 Corinthians 1?

heaven galesburg churchPaul’s letters to the early churches contained both praise and correction. In his first letter to the Corinthians, Paul urges the church not to allow petty differences to come between them and cause conflict. He also admonishes the Corinthians for putting undue emphasis on the speaker or preacher they choose to follow, and instead to focus on worshiping Christ and uniting around that common goal. Paul reminds his readers that everyone who preaches or teaches should have the same goal: to point their listeners to Christ and help them understand the gospel.

As you observe the next church in Monmouth you’ve chosen to visit, ask yourself: is there visible unity among the body of Christ? Are members working together, showing mutual respect and love, and cooperating on various projects and goals? Or is there a sense of division or strife as church members interact with one another? Visit our “Community” page to gain a sense of our goals as we fellowship together in Christ.

Also, it’s important to note how the pastor and other speakers present themselves. Is there a sense that the pastor seeks notoriety and attention for himself, or does he simply point the congregation to focus on Christ and the Bible without letting ego get in the way? A biblical church service doesn’t put any one person in the spotlight, but consistently allows the glory to go to Jesus.

monmouth church

In verses 26-31 of 1 Corinthians, Paul reminds the Corinthians that boasting is contrary to the gospel. He reminds his readers that God often chose weak, simple people to preach his Word, rather than talented and famous ones. In most church services, you’ll observe members who are contributing their talents to the work of the church. They may be playing special music, singing, or taking part in particular ministries the church has to offer. A God-honoring church service won’t feature boasting or self-promotion on the part of these members, but instead will be marked by humility and gratitude for opportunities to serve. 

Does the Monmouth Church Apply Paul’s Teachings in Colossians 1?

In Colossians 1, Paul tells the Colossian church that he has been continually praying for them. He prays for growth, wisdom, patience, and for evident spiritual fruit in the lives of these believers. Paul recognizes that for any church to successfully bear fruit, prayer is absolutely essential.

Here’s an important question to ask when visiting a new church: is prayer emphasized in the service itself and in various ministries? Is this a body that recognizes prayer as essential and indispensable? Prayers don’t need to be fancy, eloquent or long, but they should be a centerpiece of what goes on when believers gather together.

what God says about trialsLater in the same book, Paul encourages the Colossian believers to remain established and firm in their faith, not moving away from the truth of the gospel that was preached to them in the very beginning. Although there are some aspects of church that change over time with the customs and culture of every age, a God-honoring church will keep the important things the same. A church that’s always chasing the latest trends or trying to keep up with surrounding churches may be emphasizing change over stability and faithfulness to the gospel.

At the end of Colossians 1, Paul tells the church that he is working hard to preach the gospel, powered by the energy that only comes from Christ. In a thriving church, you will likely sense an energy that pervades everything: the services, the fellowship, and even the music. It’s easy to get into a rut and simply go through the motions, collectively, on Sunday mornings together. However, when a church is following Jesus, there will be an aura of purpose, motivation, and eagerness whenever the body is gathered together.

Energy isn’t just displayed in weekly services, but in other activities too. On our “Events” page, you can read about the ministries and activities we engage in together. We approach each event with purpose and passion as we seek to redeem the time God has given us and bring glory to Him.

Does the Monmouth Church Apply Paul’s teachings in Colossians 2?

In the very next chapter, Paul gives some additional insight into what the church should look like. Paul reminds the Colossians that judging otherschurches in galesburg based on superficial factors that the Bible doesn’t directly speak to is not honoring to God. Paul tells us that manmade rules and regulations should never get in the way of simply preaching the gospel and following what it says.

There is a time for appropriate judgment, but a church in obedience to God won’t fall into the trap of legalism. Instead, it will emphasize the principles the Bible clearly teaches, and encourage members to apply their own understanding of Scripture when it comes to areas where disagreement is possible. Sermon content should reflect a focus on what matters most to God, and there shouldn’t be an atmosphere of judgment towards those who may differ on minor issues of application or interpretation. Take a look at our “Sermons” page to gain a sense of what we emphasize as we study God’s Word together.

Time For a Visit?

No church is perfect, but a church that’s following Jesus is a wonderful place to be. If you’re interested in meeting us, we welcome you at Harmony Baptist Church! Our “Contact” page contains everything you need to plan a visit this Sunday. Feel free to reach out if we can be of help in your search for a church in Monmouth!