Recent Audio Sermons
Today, Pastor Chris Nissley finishes Romans 7 and encourages us to turn from sin and to Jesus Christ. Download the sermon here.
Are you loving? Do you struggle with patience and kindness? Our churches in Galesburg need to know how to develop love, since love is more exalted than giftedness. Learn more!…
Galesburg churches, and churches all over the world, can too easily exalt giftedness above love. Do you? Find out and and discover how to value what God values: love. …
Believing that Jesus is the Christ the Son of the living God changes us. Who would think that belief in a Savior would change everything about us? This belief is…
The gospel is incredibly powerful! Believing it can be, and certainly is life-changing.
In Paul's opening to the book of Romans, Paul lays out a case for Christ. Who He is, the power that was given to Him, and our identity in Christ.
This is an introduction to the book of Romans. In this sermon, we primarily deal with the issue of modern-day apostleship.
How do we stand against such great evil we see in the world today? See what God said the the Corinthians about standing in a mature and courageous way. Download…
Pastor Chris Nissley explains how to look to Jesus and gain endurance in trials.
Pastor Chris preaches from Acts 22 on Paul's last sermon in Jerusalem.
Pastor Chris Nissley explains Acts 20 and describes different things to look for in a godly pastor.
When life isn't pleasant, what is God doing? Could it be that He is sending you through the refining fire? Find out!
Pastor Chris' Easter message for 2023. Learn more to appreciate Christ's resurrection!
Face it: Life can be overwhelming. How do you cope? You need God to lead you to Rock that is higher than you!
Pastor Chris Nissley explains Abraham's faith in taking Isaac to the altar. Get ready to be challenged! [quick_download_button button_type="small" title="Download Sermon" url=""]
Every wonder what is the greatest sin? Whatever the greatest commandment is, to break it, would be the greatest sin. What is it? Find out!
Your tongue is evil. Have you noticed? How can you tame it? Find out!
Think that life is about living for pleasure? Eat and drink for tomorrow we die? Think again!
Because Jesus is raised from the dead, He is the judge of all. As God, He will judge you perfectly. Find out how to survive!
Jesus' sermon is the most important sermon. His conclusion needs a wider hearing. Listen to Pastor Chris deliver on this pertinent passage.
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