Many Galesburg church gatherings share some similar characteristics, no matter where you go. Songs are sung, verses are read, and there’s often a time for reflection or invitation at the end of the service. It’s important to keep church gatherings sincere and authentic. However, a basic routine can also provide a sense of familiarity and help keep the meeting running in an orderly fashion.

What Should a Christian Testimony Include?

Some churches set aside time for Christian testimonies during certain gatherings. You may have heard someone else share their testimony publicly, or you might be interested in sharing yours. Outside of a church setting, sharing your testimony effectively one-on-one can be a valuable skill when you’re witnessing or fellowshipping with other believers.

Are you wondering what your Christian testimony should include, or how to share it with others clearly? Let’s take a look at a few basic pointers that may be helpful.

Why should I share my testimony?

Sharing your testimony isn’t always easy, especially if it includes facts about you and your past that aren’t flattering. However, sharing your testimony is spiritually valuable for you, as well as for your audience.

Benefits for you

Sharing your testimony is a great opportunity to reflect on the transformation in your life since you accepted Christ. It can be easy to forget about the miracle of your own salvation when you’re caught up with the busyness of modern life. When you tell the story of how God changed your life, you bring glory to God, fulfilling your ultimate purpose as a believer. You’re also reminded that, although you still have spiritual progress to make, your life has been marked by real change.

Benefits for your audienceAudience: What Should a Christian Testimony Include?

Sharing your testimony is one of the most effective ways to share the good news of the gospel with others. In Acts 10:25, Peter boldly proclaims his personal experiences with Jesus to a large crowd of people. When the Holy Spirit moves in the crowd, many of his listeners accept Christ and are baptized after hearing Peter’s account. Ultimately, personal experience is often more convincing than pure facts. Even if you’re sharing your testimony with other believers, they can benefit from its reminder of Jesus’ transformative power.

What should I include in my Christian testimony?

Your Christian testimony is an account of your salvation story — how you went from lost to found. It’s helpful to start by describing your life before accepting Christ. For some believers, this part can be challenging. If you were saved as a child, you may not remember much about your life before this event. However, the Bible is very clear about the condition of all unsaved people. Romans 5:10 tells us that without salvation, we are dead in a spiritual sense, and we are God’s enemies. Using scripture to speak to the unsaved period of your life can often be helpful.

Of course, your testimony should also include your salvation experience. If you can’t remember all the details — who explained the Gospel to you, where you were when you prayed, etc. — that doesn’t detract from the power of your testimony. Sharing your decision to accept Christ is meaningful, all by itself.

You will likely also want to reflect on how your life has changed since you came to Christ. Of course, no one expects that you no longer sin at all — and you shouldn’t try to embellish your story to make it sound that way. However, as a believer, your life has been changed by Jesus’ presence, and describing that change can be uplifting for you and your listeners.

What should I not include in my Christian testimony?

Have you ever listened to a testimony that left a bad taste in your mouth? Unfortunately, since a testimony is an opportunity for someone to talk about themself in a public setting, it can become problematic if not handled correctly. Here are a few “dont’s” to keep in mind when preparing to share your faith journey with others.

Don’t share a “bragamony”don't brag: What Should a Christian Testimony Include?

When sharing your testimony, it’s important to keep the focus on what God has done — not on what you have done. For example, since your salvation, maybe God has blessed you with a beautiful family that also follows Jesus. That might be helpful to share, but don’t let it become an opportunity to brag about your parenting skills.

Don’t use your past sins as a source of entertainment

Whether it happened before or after you became a Christian, you may have some interesting stories of past sin to share. Maybe your past includes complicated romantic relationships, a dramatic incident involving alcohol or drugs, time spent in prison or a gang, or experimentation with the occult. This can be a relevant part of your testimony, but be careful not to share it in a way that glorifies the sin. Be honest and direct, giving enough details for your audience to know what happened. But don’t get caught up in the excitement of shocking your audience. Again, the focus should be on God’s work in your life, not on you.

Don’t use “Christianese” that makes your meaning unclear

Keep your audience in mind when delivering your testimony. In many Christian circles, certain phrases become familiar, and everyone understands what they mean. But what about someone who doesn’t spend time around Christians? They may not know what you mean when you say that “God put a burden on your heart,” for example. No matter who’s listening, keep your language plain and direct as much as you can.

Come share your testimony with us!

At Harmony Baptist Church in Galesburg IL, one of our favorite things to do as a church family is reflect on God’s work in our lives. We would love to hear how your life has changed since you’ve accepted Christ. If you still have questions about what that means, we can share our own stories, listen to yours, and look at the truths of God’s Word with you. Visit our Contact page for service and location details, and come join us this Sunday!