What is Women’s Ministry in the Local Church? In biblical language, to “minister” means to help or serve someone else. Throughout the Bible, we can find godly women ministering to people around them–and even to Jesus Himself.

what ministry in church

Several women ministered to Jesus during His time on earth. In Luke 8:13, LukeĀ  describes a band of women who’d been healed or helped by Jesus in various ways. As Jesus went about His earthly ministry, these women traveled with Him and the other disciples to provide care and support. In Luke 7, a woman known as a sinner in the localĀ  community comes to Jesus and publicly washes His feet with her hair. Jesus commends her for her loving service. Sadly, the Pharisee who is hosting the dinner can only seem to focus on her sinful reputation. After Jesus’ death, it was women who came to minister at His tomb. Mark 16 describes several women who came to honor his burial site. Because of their faithfulness, they had the privilege of being the first people to witness His resurrection.

In the early church, women were also involved in many ministries within their local churches and their larger communities. For example, in Paul’s letter to the Romans, Paul greets and praises several women for their self-sacrificial ministry. These women had worked alongside Paul to spread the gospel and to support the early church’s survival.

It’s true that 1 Corinthians 14 lays out some clear guidelines about ministry roles that are reserved for men in the church. However, Christian women who want to serve Christ have countless ministry options to choose from. Let’s take a look at just a few of them!

Charity Work

What Is Women's Ministry In The Local Church

In Act 9:36-39, a woman named Tabitha is specifically praised for her charity work in the name of Christ. Tabitha gave clothing to women in need and helped to physically support the poor and hungry in her community.

Galatians 6:10 commands all Christians to do what we can to help people in need. After making sure the pressing needs of people in their own church are met, Christians should look beyond the walls of their churches and homes and find ways to meet needs. Today, Christian women can do this by volunteering for charity organizations, whether Christian or secular. Charity work can also happen on a personal level. When a coworker, a friend, or an extended family member has a need, you can show the love of Christ by seeking ways to meet it. This could involve donating money. However, there are many “free” ways to show charity to people you know. For instance, you can offer to help in a crisis by providing babysitting or pet care, or a car ride to important appointments.


serving in galesburg church

Godly women in the Bible often stand out as teachers. In 2 Timothy 1:5, we’re introduced to Lois and Eunice–Timothy’s mother and grandmother. Both of them were key influences in Timothy’s early life, teaching him about the Bible from an early age and laying the groundwork for his adult ministry with Paul.

In Titus 2:3-5, older Christian women are urged to teach younger women about the Christian life. It’s never been easy to build a successful Christian marriage and home, even in the early church. When older women act as mentors for teen girls and young women, they’re creating a legacy that will impact generations to come.

Today, Christian women can minister through teaching in many different ways. If you’re a mom, teaching your own children to love God and know the Bible is a powerful ministry that shouldn’t be overlooked or taken for granted. Christian moms who homeschool or help their kids with homework are providing selfless service by teaching academic subject matter. Christian women, with or without kids, can also teach women’s Sunday school classes and Bible studies or participate in children’s ministries at church. Beyond home and church, Christian women today have many additional opportunities to teach, besides the obvious one (being a professional teacher!). Blogs, podcasts, and social media are just a few of the forums where Christian women can minister through teaching.


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In Romans 12:13, Paul urges all Christians to practice hospitality. You don’t need a large, fancy home to serve the Lord through hospitality. As long as you have an extra seat on your couch, your home can become a sanctuary to those in need. If you know someone who’s struggling, giving them a cup of tea and a listening ear in the quietness of your home can be life-changing. When your church hosts evangelists, missionaries or traveling musicians, offering them a bedroom in your home can meet a real need.

If you do have a larger space to share, you can show hospitality by opening your home for gatherings. Hosting a Bible study or informal gathering in your home can support other believers by helping them build fellowship and community. Offering your space for someone’s baby shower, bridal shower or birthday party can also make a memorable impact.

Women’s Ministry In The Local Church: How Else?

Christian women can minister in countless other ways, too. Here are just a few:

  • Praying for those in need
  • tutoring What Is Women's Ministry In The Local ChurchSinging or playing a musical instrument in church
  • Visiting a nursing home or hospital
  • Help with the sound system during your church service
  • Support church functions by providing setup or cleanup
  • Offer tutoring services, classes, or lessons to kids, teens or other adults
  • Offer to help with your church’s graphic design or social media needs
  • Volunteer to provide resume help, ESL practice, or job training to people in need
  • Help with holiday decorations inside and outside your church building
  • Volunteer in a public school classroom or after-school program
  • Work at a Christian camp or Vacation Bible School
  • Take a group of kids out for a fun activity, so a mom you know can take some time alone
  • Provide yard work for church members who struggle to do their own
  • Grow a vegetable garden and share the produce with church members, friends, neighbors and coworkers

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At Harmony Baptist Church in Galesburg, IL, we believe that Christian ministry is for everyone, not just for church staff. We love serving the Lord together, and we welcome you to join us. Visit our ‘Contact‘ page to learn more about us!