If you’re a Christian who wants to keep up with current events, you may be wondering which news sources to follow. If you like using apps to stay on top of updates, you might be looking for a news app that’s specifically Christian. Does this even exist? Yes, but be careful.

is there a christian news app

The short answer is yes: the Christian Broadcasting Network identifies itself as a Christian news source and offers a phone app, although some of the organization’s religious teachings and associations are, at best, questionable.

However, some larger questions remain. Should Christians only follow news sources that identify themselves as Christian? If not, where should Christians be getting their news about what’s going on in the world? And how should Christians respond to what they hear in the news? We can start to find answers by prayerfully studying Scripture.

Finding News Sources as a Christianchurch in galesburg bible authority

It’s hard to discern truth from fiction sometimes, especially because we live in the internet age. You have many different professional news networks to choose from. You probably also have friends and family who post about current events on social media. How can you know which news sources to follow as a Christian? Applying biblical principles can help guide your decisions.

The Principle of Truth

Proverbs 12:22 tells us that God hates liars and takes pleasure in people who are trustworthy. This is a principle woven throughout scripture: God is truth, and God wants us to be truthful. When choosing any news source, it’s important that Christians don’t just look for someone who is telling them what they want to hear. Instead, we should ensure that the sources we’re listening to are telling the truth.

Even a magazine or newsletter that calls itself “Christian” may not be representing a biblical worldview. In Matthew 7:15, Jesus warns against false prophets who look like sheep (believers) but are really wolves on the inside. It’s important not to become paranoid towards Christian organizations. Many of them are faithfully doing God’s work. However, we also shouldn’t automatically accept what a “Christian” organization says without applying biblical discernment.

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Media experts warn against falling prey to confirmation bias. We naturally tend to seek out information that confirms what we want to think. Instead, we should consider information that doesn’t support our personal assumptions about the world. Of course, we should reject claims that contradict our faith in God or the Bible. However, in other matters, it’s important to examine the evidence before jumping to conclusions. To make sure our view of current events is accurate and truthful, it’s helpful to read a variety of news sources from different perspectives. Throughout this process, apply your biblical worldview to uncover the truth. Remember to pray for wisdom and discernment, as James 1:5 commands.

The Principle of Peace

Galatians 5:22-23 outlines the fruits of the Spirit: evidence of the Holy Spirit’s presence in a believer’s life. These include love, joy, peace, gentleness and self-control. While we can’t only think about positive things, it’s important to focus most of our time and energy on things that will cultivate these fruits in our lives.

The Bible also makes it clear that there’s such a thing as righteous indignation. Jesus Himself became angry while on earth. However, as Christians, God wants us to be characterized by gentleness and meekness. We shouldn’t be looking for a fight; rather, we should be looking for opportunities to be salt and light in a dark world.news should make you peaceful

This principle can help guide our choices when it comes to news media. Consider the news sources you follow. Do they tend to make you angry or fearful? Are they characterized by sarcasm, scorn, or hateful speech? Even if a news source is delivering truth, it may be making it harder for you to think and act in a Christlike way.

A Christian Response to Current Events

Most of what you’ll read or hear on the news is negative: war, economic problems, and crime. After all, audiences don’t tend to find good news very interesting! However, as Christians, our response to current events should reflect our personal relationship with God.

Responding in Faith

As Christians, we know how the story of human history will end. However, we don’t always know what the outcome of day-to-day world affairs will be. It’s helpful to remember God’s promises to us when the news makes us feel uncertain or worried. Psalm 91 is one of many psalms that remind us of this truth. David calls God his “fortress” and knows that God will provide His people with safety and deliverance. This doesn’t mean that Christians will never suffer on earth. But the worst thing that can happen to a Christian is death. Because we have the promise of eternal life in Christ, no matter what happens, we can face an uncertain future with confidence.

galesburg churches prayerResponding in Prayer

In 1 Timothy 2:1-2, Christians are told to pray for those in positions of authority. Whatever we hear on the news, we should be praying for the prominent people involved in current events. This isn’t always easy to do. You may really dislike someone who’s in charge. You may know that they’re not living a godly life or using their influence for good. However, the Bible makes it clear that we should submit to our earthly authorities, even when they’re in the wrong. As you pray, ask God to work in their hearts and give them wisdom and guidance.

Also ask God to give you wisdom. Often, there’s something you can do to help when bad things are happening in the world. You may be able to donate money to victims of a natural disaster. Maybe you can influence society for Christ by getting involved in your local government. Or maybe you can volunteer to help people who are suffering due to an economic crisis. Whatever is going on in the news, ask God how you should react, and be open to His answer!

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Harmony Baptist Church in Galesburg, IL is a fellowship of believers who support each other in our walks with Christ. We gather weekly to celebrate the good news of the gospel and study God’s Word, and we invite you to join us. Visit our ‘Contact’ page for details!