If you’re a married couple looking for a church in Galesburg, IL, you know that being a couple can makeĀ  your search more complicated. After all, it’s churches in galesburg il familyimportant to find a church where you can both be active members and grow in Christ. The Bible makes it clear that attending church is expected of all Christians. As a married couple, research shows that your marriage will be more stable and satisfying when you attend church together regularly. There are so many Galesburg churches, and settling on the right one for you and your spouse is important. What should a married couple look for in a new church?

Biblical Teaching About Marriage and Family

Having a successful, satisfying marriage starts with understanding God’s design for marriages. A church that clearly teaches biblical truths about marriage will help you and your spouse build on a solid foundation. Don’t hesitate to ask church leadership what they believe about marriage, and pay close attention to how–and if–marriage is addressed from the pulpit. If the church has a bookstore, browsing its shelves can give you some insight into how the church views marriage and family.

Although church staff may not be trained marriage counselors, they can be a source of wisdom and advice as you navigate the ups and downs of your own marriage. 1 Timothy 3 gives some standards that all church leaders should meet. A pastor’s own marriage and family life doesn’t have to be perfect (that would be impossible), but he should be in a stable and committed partnership. When a pastor demonstrates leadership and relationships in his own home, it’s a good indication that he’ll bring these traits to his role in the church, too. Look for a church where leaders and church members make their own marriages a priority. When you’re surrounded by people who understand the importance and sanctity of marriage, your own marriage will benefit.

Opportunities to Serve TogetherDisciples in Galesburg

As Christians, we are called to serve God in various ways. Helping the needy, spreading the gospel, and teaching and encouraging other believers are just a few of the ways we’re expected to serve. As a married couple, you’ll find that serving together strengthens your bond, too. If you find a church where both of you can get involved in Christian service, your relationship with Christ will grow along with your connection to one another. These opportunities might be obvious. Maybe a church is asking for volunteers to teach Sunday School, sing in the choir, run charity initiatives, help with vacation Bible school, or clean the building. However, just because a church isn’t clearly asking for help, that doesn’t mean opportunities aren’t available. As a couple, you can discuss ways to serve with the church staff.

Also, keep in mind that even if you’re serving in separate ministries, you can still bond over Christian service. If a wife teaches girls’ Sunday School while her husband teaches a boys’ class, for instance, they’ll still find lots of notes to compare and stories to share as they discuss their morning adventures over lunch.

Married couples can also support one another, so that one spouse can actively serve while the other helps make that service possible. For example, one spouse might focus on providing childcare or income so that the other spouse is free to devote more time to driving the church bus or helping with special music. The teamwork involved in these situations can draw you closer to one another as a couple.

Accountability and Fellowshipgalesburg church of god teachings

Your church family should hold you accountable in your marriage. Every marriage goes through challenges from time to time, and when you’re surrounded by other believers who know about your lives, you have a powerful support network. Find a church where you can form real relationships with other married members. You can enjoy time together as couples on double dates or group activities, but you’ll also be there for one another when things get hard.

Ecclesiastes 4 gives us the well-known metaphor of a strand of rope. A single strand can easily be broken, but two strands woven together are stronger, and the combined strand is harder to break. This example is often used at weddings to remind us of the mutual strength and support a married couple offers one another. However, it can also apply to our relationships with other believers in the body of Christ.

Marriage involves actively keeping commitments to your spouse, day in and day out, even when you don’t feel like it. When you allow yourself to get close to a godly support network, they’ll will know when you’re struggling with those commitments, and they can help to point you to Christ.

galesburg churches financesAvoid “Social Club” Churches

A church can introduce stress into your marriage when it’s not focused on the things of God. Going to church should never make you feel pressured to be part of a particular social class or subculture. There’s nothing wrong with attending a church where many of the members are wealthy, but if there’s constant pressure to “fit in” by wearing specific clothing styles and living extravagant lifestyles, the church may be functioning more as a social club than a body of Christ. Hobbies like golf or other sports can be wonderful ways to bond with other church members, but when church becomes more about these hobbies than about worship, it can weaken your marriage by introducing financial or social pressure. Look for a church family that will welcome you and your spouse, regardless of your hobbies or income level. While ministry and service are important, a church should also recognize the importance of spending quality time together as a couple and as a family, and you should never feel that you’re expected to spend every spare minute away from home.

The Bottom Line

Attending the right church can strengthen your marriage as well as your walk with God. At Harmony Baptist Church, we would love to help you grow in both of these areas. Reach out to us by visiting our Contact page and find out how you and your spouse can get involved in our growing church family!

Or, if you’re struggling with your marriage, please reach out and let Pastor Greg know. He’d be happy to talk you through any of your questions. Just give us a call!