If you’re eager to celebrate the Christmas season, you’ve got many special activities and traditions to choose from.

galesburg church celebrate christmasFrom trees, gifts and lights to manger shows, plays and family dinners, we’ve found many special ways to mark the Christmas season. For Christians, the Christmas season is a time to celebrate God’s gift to the world: sending Jesus to earth to teach, serve, and ultimately die for humanity’s sins.

Of course, some ways to celebrate are more meaningful than others. There’s nothing wrong with having fun during your Christmas celebration. Light-hearted events like Christmas parties or gift exchanges can be a wonderful way to make memories with family and friends. However, as a Christian, you may also be looking for some new ways to celebrate the season’s true meaning. Since we live in a materialistic, entertainment-loving society, this can be especially challenging. For those seeking to add more depth and purpose to their Christmas celebration this year, we’d like to share some helpful, Bible-based suggestions.

Celebrate Christmas by Sharing The Good Newsgalesburg church celebrates christmas

In Luke 2:8-13, angels appear in the night sky. They’ve come to announce Christ’s birth to a group of shepherds who are out watching their flocks. The angels tell the shepherds that they’ve come with good news that will affect every person on earth. Since Jesus’ birth and death makes salvation possible for everyone, His birth announcement was the best news the world could possibly receive.

One of the most important ways to celebrate Christmas is by doing what the angels did–spreading the news about Christ’s birth (as well as His death and resurrection). During the Christmas season, you have many special opportunities for witnessing. In fact, sharing the good news of the gospel can be part of many things you already do to celebrate Christmas.

An office or family Christmas party can be a great opportunity to tell others what Christmas means to you as a believer. While you’re going door-to-door in your neighborhood to sing Christmas carols or pass out cookies, you can include a simple gospel message. If your church is putting on a special play or musical event, participate if possible, and invite people you know to attend.

galesburg IL churches celebrates christmasIt’s significant that the angels chose to appear to shepherds. Shepherds were not wealthy or famous–they spent most of their time alone doing manual labor. When you’re seeking out people to share the gospel with, remember to be inclusive. Of course, everyone needs Jesus, including successful, popular people.

However, it’s easy to forget people who are isolated or don’t quite “fit in” during the holiday season. Make it a priority to reach out to those who may be easily overlooked. Sometimes, they’re especially eager for the hopeful message of Jesus’ birth.

Celebrate Christmas by Serving Others

Service is an important theme in the biblical accounts of Jesus’ birth. Joseph served both Mary and the infant Jesus by protecting them from Herod. Mary served God by carrying and raising Jesus. As Jesus became an adult, a significant portion of His earthly ministry involved service.  Jesus served people who were physically disabled, poor, and socially disgraced. He often met physical needs as well as spiritual ones.

Service is a wonderful way for Christians to celebrate the Christmas season. There are many well-known ways you can serve the less fortunate: volunteering at a homeless shelter, donating to a food drive, or  collecting coats and hats on a special tree are a few of them. While these are valid and meaningful, it’s also important to think outside the box when it comes to serving others. With a little creativity, you can find new ways to serve each time the Christmas season comes around. Here are a few lesser-known options:

As temperatures drop, consider ways you can help keep people in your community warm. Many power companies have cost-sharing programs available. By adding a few dollars to your heating bill, you can help to heat the homes of those who can’t afford it.

galesburg church service

You could also check with your local library, school or daycare center for volunteer opportunities. Reading storybooks or doing crafts with children is a great way to provide them with extra attention and support. Librarians and teachers are often eager for help, especially around Christmas, since it’s often a hectic time for them.

Public institutions may have specific guidelines in place when it comes to discussing your faith. However, there is still much good you can do, and much love you can show, in these settings!

Also, you can check in with those in full-time Christian service to see if they need extra support around Christmas. Your pastoral staff may need extra help cleaning or maintaining church property at this time of year, or you may be able to help with decorating.

While many businesses slow down around Christmas, people in Christian ministry are often busier than ever at this time of year. Missionaries, traveling evangelists, and Christian school teachers often have specialized needs around Christmas, too!

church abingdon worship

Celebrate Christmas by Worshiping Christ

The accounts of Jesus’ birth in the gospels emphasize worship. Mary worships God when she is told of her pregnancy, and wise men and shepherds come to worship the newborn Jesus. For them, worship involved coming to see the new baby. This may not seem like an “action” to take, but it’s an important part of celebrating Christmas.

Take time to simply “look” at Jesus by reflecting on who He is and the miracle of His birth. Praise God for the gift of Jesus, by singing aloud in church and by silently praying at home. Read through the biblical accounts of Jesus’ birth, pausing to thank Him and to ask Him for help when you feel led to do so.

When you look closely and carefully at what God has done, you’ll experience the joy and gratitude that can make your Christmas season truly meaningful.

Join Us at BBC!

At Harmony Baptist Church in Galesburg, IL, we’re excited to celebrate the Christmas season. We’d love to have you come and worship with us–visit our ‘Contact’ page for details!