Here in America, we’ve set aside a special day on our calendar to give thanks as a nation. Schools and offices are closed, and families gather together. Around the end of November, many of us are looking for meaningful ways to express our gratitude for blessings we enjoy.

thanksgiving galesburg church

The Bible instructs Christians to give thanks year-round, not just once a year. We should continually show gratitude to God for who He is and what He has done for us. One of the best ways to show this gratitude is to pray Scripture back to God. The Bible contains many thanksgiving prayers you can use, at any time of year, to praise and glorify God.

Of course, there’s no need to repeat these prayers back to God, word for word, exactly as they’re written. You can add additional thoughts, and you can choose to focus on some key verses in the passage and omit others. The focus shouldn’t be on getting every word right. Rather, you can use the biblical prayer as a starting point to guide and inspire your own personal worship.

Looking for some prayers of thanksgiving in the Bible? The following passages are all great places to start.

1 Chronicles 16:8-36


This beautiful prayer is found in the Old Testament, tucked in among detailed historical records of David and his kingship. In this passage, King David receives the Ark of the Covenant into Jerusalem, for which he had prepared a special tent. The Ark’s arrival had been long-awaited, and when it arrived, all of Israel gathered together to witness it and worship God. People shouted, musical instruments played, and King David himself danced publicly in celebration. After offerings had been made and blessings had been pronounced, David appointed several priests to give thanks to God in a poetic form. Their prayer of thanksgiving, from verses 8-36, references God’s goodness to the nation of Israel. However, Christians today can also pray it back to God, thanking Him for the specific goodness they’ve experienced as His children.

The prayer commands Israel to celebrate God and to remember what He has done for His people in the past: given blessings, kept promises, and offered strength and protection. Towards the end of this prayer, we’re reminded that we’re not alone in expressing our gratitude. When we praise God, we’re joining with the rest of creation. The trees, seas, and fields, along with Heaven itself, all speak clearly about God’s magnificence and power.

Psalm 100

monmouth church

The Psalms are songs of worship, and many were written by David himself. Thus, many of the Psalms can be used as prayers of thanksgiving. Psalm 100 is a favorite thanksgiving prayer because it’s short yet meaningful. It’s easily memorized, and the words are easy to understand. Its simplicity makes it a great prayer to share with the whole family.

In Psalm 100, we are commanded to praise God and given many reasons to do so. One of these is God’s act of creation. God gave us our very existence, and that is reason enough to praise Him. This Psalm also highlights God’s protection in our lives, as He leads and guides us like a shepherd. Finally, the Psalm emphasizes that God’s love and faithfulness are never-ending–they are just the same yesterday as they were thousands of years ago, and they will never change.

Psalm 119

galesburg churches prayer for wisdom

Psalm 119 is a particularly long chapter in the book of Psalms, and it focuses on several of God’s attributes. Along with giving thanks to God, this prayer also includes numerous requests. The psalmist asks for God’s mercy, guidance, protection, and divine understanding. It makes a great guide to follow as you pray, since it strikes a wonderful balance between asking God for help and praising Him for what He has already done.

Throughout this prayer, the writer thanks God for various things, but he focuses especially on God’s law. At first glance, it might seem odd to thank God for giving us laws. After all, the law is where God tells His followers what they should and should not do. Why should we be thankful for the do’s and don’ts we find in Scripture?

Psalm 119 is a great reminder to be thankful for God’s law, and it gives us several reasons why that gratitude makes sense. First of all verses 1-3 explain that God’s laws are an opportunity for blessing. When we keep His commandments, we get to experience more of God’s goodness. Also, verse 30 points out that God’s law is truth. As believers, we have access to ultimate, absolute truth, and that deserves our gratitude. Furthermore, in verse 36, the psalmist reminds us that when we follow God’s laws, we are spared from living a self-absorbed, meaningless life. Throughout this chapter, we’re given many additional reasons to be grateful for God’s laws. However, we can start with remembering that His laws can be our source for blessing, truth, and meaning.

Philippians 1:3-6

galesburg church prayer repent

This passage from the New Testament isn’t very long, but it’s really helpful when you want to thank God for other believers in your life. In verses 3-6, Paul tells the Philippian believers how thankful he is for them. They’ve been his partners in the ministry, and they’ve faithfully supported his mission to spread the gospel. He can see God’s hand in their lives, and he’s confident that God will continue to use and transform them.

As believers, God hasn’t asked us to live the Christian life alone. It’s important to look around and appreciate the partners God’s provided for you–family members, Christian friends and mentors, and other members of your church. You can express your gratitude to God for putting them in your life, and you can also celebrate Thanksgiving (any time of year) by telling your Christian brothers and sisters how much they mean to you.

Come Give Thanks With Us!

This November, believers will gather in many churches in Galesburg, IL to give thanks for God’s many blessings. We’d love to welcome you here at Harmony Baptist Church! Visit our ‘Contact’ page to plan your visit today.